Kılıçdaroğlu is the presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance


Kılıçdaroğlu is the presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance

CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has been announced as the presidential candidate of the 6 parties that make up the Nation Alliance. CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, İYİ Party Chairman Meral Akşener, Demokrat Party Chairman Gültekin Uysal, DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan and Gelecek Party Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu attended the "Leaders Meeting" hosted by Saadet Party Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu. Addressing those gathered in front of the Saadet Party Headquarters after the 5-hour meeting, Temel Karamollaoğlu announced that the Nation Alliance's presidential candidate is CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Kılıçdaroğlu spoke in front of the Saadet Party The Nation Alliance's presidential candidate and CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu stated that as the Nation Alliance, they will govern Turkey with consultation and consensus. After being announced as the presidential candidate of the 6 parties that make up the Nation Alliance, Kılıçdaroğlu addressed those gathered in front of the Saadet Party Headquarters. Kılıçdaroğlu thanked the party leaders and reminded them of Yunus Emre's words, "If we share, we will be full, if we divide, we will perish," and stated that they set out to bring together all the colors of Turkey at the same table with the inspiration they received from these words. Kılıçdaroğlu continued as follows: "This table is the Halil İbrahim Table. The Halil İbrahim Table means not going to bed with a full stomach when your neighbor is hungry, the Halil İbrahim Table means not even a single child goes to bed hungry. The Halil İbrahim Table means the end of oppression, the rule of law and justice. Our table is the table of peace and brotherhood. Our greatest goal is to carry Turkey to fruitful, peaceful and joyful days. With Allah's permission, we will achieve this all together. As the Nation Alliance, we will govern Turkey through consultation and consensus. As the chairmen of the political parties that make up the Nation Alliance, we have also agreed on the road map of the transition to the Strengthened Parliamentary System, 11 articles... It was just concluded inside and we will share it with the press members. In this context, the chairmen of our other parties included in the Nation Alliance will be vice presidents during the transition to the parliamentary system. I would also like to state that the Nation The doors of the Alliance are wide open to everyone who shares our common dream of Türkiye. We wholeheartedly greet our 85 million people regardless of their beliefs, thoughts, ideologies and identities." Wishing Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives in the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş, Kılıçdaroğlu noted that they will establish the power of morality and justice. A 12-article statement was made following the Nation Alliance meeting The statement made following the meeting held with the participation of the chairmen of the 6 parties that make up the Nation Alliance and where CHP Chairmen Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was determined as the presidential candidate included the following statement: "During the transition process, the chairmen of the parties included in the Nation Alliance will be the vice president." The Nation Alliance meeting was hosted by Saadet Party Chairmen Temel Karamollaoğlu and lasted 5 hours. After the meeting, the chairmen greeted the party members waiting outside. Following the announcement of Kılıçdaroğlu’s candidacy, the 12-article text titled "Road Map for the Transition Process to a Strengthened Parliamentary System" and signed by the 6 chairmen was shared. The text in question stated, "During the transition process, we will govern Turkey in line with the principles and goals of the strengthened parliamentary system and the reference texts we have agreed upon, within the framework of the constitution, law, separation of powers, balance and control principles, through consultation and consensus. The constitutional amendments regarding the transition to the strengthened parliamentary system will be completed and put into effect as soon as possible by the TBMM structure that emerged in the general election." The text emphasized that the leaders of the parties included in the Nation Alliance will be Vice Presidents during the transition process, and that the distribution of ministries will be determined according to the number of deputies elected by the political parties forming the Nation Alliance in the general election. Other articles are as follows: Underlining that each of the alliance parties will be represented in the cabinet by at least one minister, the statement noted the following: "Policy boards and offices within the presidency established parallel to the ministries will be abolished. The appointment and dismissal of ministers will be made by the President in agreement with the leader of the political party they are affiliated with. During the transition period, the President will use the executive authority and duty according to the principles of participation, consultation and consensus. The distribution of authority and duty to the Presidential Cabinet (Deputy Presidents and ministers) will be determined by the Presidential decree to be issued within the framework of the constitution and laws. The President will make decisions in agreement with the leaders of the parties included in the Nation Alliance on the renewal of elections, declaration of the state of emergency, national security policies, presidential decisions, decrees and general regulatory transactions and high-level appointments. Mechanisms will be established to coordinate the implementation of legislative activities in cooperation during the transition period. With the completion of the transition to the strengthened parliamentary system, the current President's political party membership, if any, will end. After the transition to the strengthened parliamentary system, the 13th President and the TBMM will complete their terms of office without the need for a new election. The Mayors of Istanbul and Ankara Metropolitan Municipalities will be appointed as Vice Presidents at the time deemed appropriate by the President and with defined duties." The text also stated, "As the general chairmen of the political parties that make up the Nation Alliance, our joint presidential candidate in the 28th Term TBMM and 13th Presidential elections to be held in 2023 is Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. May it be auspicious for our country and our nation."