Biden Plans to Meet with Chinese President Jinping


Biden Plans to Meet with Chinese President Jinping

US President Biden said he plans to meet with Chinese President Jinping US President Joe Biden announced that he plans to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Biden, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met in San Diego, California, within the scope of the AUKUS agreement, which includes Australia's possession of nuclear submarines and the sharing of technology used in nuclear submarines. Biden also held separate bilateral meetings with the leaders following the trilateral meeting. Sunak invited Biden to Northern Ireland During his bilateral meeting with Sunak, Biden stated that the US, UK and Australia were taking steps to help peace and security in the Indo-Pacific, and assessed that today was a "historic" day for their countries. Noting that they discussed many issues, including the Russia-Ukraine war, in their meetings, Biden noted that the US and UK were acting in harmony regarding world issues. Sunak also emphasized that AUKUS was one of the important multilateral defense partnerships between their countries, and said that it was right for the two countries to work together in the face of the current global security landscape. “We sit side by side on the UN Security Council. We are the two countries that spend the most on NATO,” said Sunak, noting that there was no problem that the two countries could not solve by working together. Sunak also invited Biden to Northern Ireland and offered to commemorate the anniversary of the Good Friday agreement together. Biden also said he intends to visit Northern Ireland. Biden plans to meet with Chinese President On the other hand, when asked whether he was concerned that China would see the AUCUS as an act of aggression against it, Biden said, “No.” When asked whether he would meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the near future, Biden said, “Yes,” but noted that he would not provide information about when. Emphasis on “nuclear energy, not nuclear weapons” During his meeting with Australian Prime Minister Albanese, Biden stated that the plan announced regarding the nuclear submarines to be given to Australia was important, saying, “In my opinion, this will change the rules of the game.” Noting that the US and Australia are acting together on climate change, regional stability and aid to Ukraine, Biden, on the other hand, defended the view that the AUKUS alliance is not a challenge to anyone, but rather a way to bring stability to the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. Biden also emphasized that they are not talking about "nuclear weapons" but "nuclear energy" within the scope of the nuclear submarine project and that it is important for the world to understand this, and that they also overlap with the International Atomic Energy in this context. When asked by reporters whether the AUKUS agreement could continue if someone who could defend the isolation of the US became president in the future, Biden responded that the agreement would continue. Stating that Australia is a completely reliable partner, Biden answered the question of whether he had spoken to Sunak and Albenese about the collapse of banks in the country with a laugh, "I did not ask for a loan." “Submarine construction will also contribute to national economies” Albenese also expressed that he was looking forward to seeing Biden in Australia as part of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) summit consisting of Australia, India, Japan and the US in May. Stating that they had established a personal friendship and trust by communicating regularly with Biden, Albenese said that they had taken an important step for their common future with today’s agreement. Albenese expressed his pleasure that Biden was sharing nuclear submarine technology with them for the second time in history, emphasizing that this was very important. The Australian Prime Minister conveyed that they see the step taken today not only as a defense and security plan, but also as an economic one. In addition, Albenese stated that they also see climate change as a national security issue, and praised the steps taken to prevent climate change within the scope of the Disinflation Act. US President Biden also stated on Twitter that they had developed a new state-of-the-art submarine to ensure that the Indo-Pacific remains “open and safe.” Noting that they will bring together armies, scientists and engineers within this scope, Biden stated that they will be able to create many "well-paid" jobs in this way. Australian Prime Minister Albanese also shared the message on Twitter that the step taken today within the scope of AUKUS is "a new page in the friendship between Australia, the US and the UK". Noting that Australia's national security and stability will be strengthened in the region thanks to this, Albanese also noted that his country's defense capability will improve. Albanese noted that they will work together with the US and the UK for the production of new generation submarines, and said, "(The submarines) will be built by Australians, commanded by the Australian Navy and maintained by Australians in Australian shipyards." Stating that Australian personnel will receive the necessary training and develop their skills during this period, Albanese announced that they will purchase three "Virginia" class nuclear submarines. Albanese stated that they will create employment for 20 thousand people throughout Australia thanks to AUKUS, and evaluated that this is a "historic investment". Noting that AUKUS is a project that can "transform" this century, Albanese spoke about the contribution of the steps to be taken in this context to the Australian economy.