Additional appropriations for public administrations


Additional appropriations for public administrations

total of TL 1.1 trillion has been added to the budget arrangements of public administrations. With the law on making changes in the central government budget law for 2023 and its affiliated tables, a total of TL 1.1 trillion has been added to the budget arrangements of public administrations. According to the said law published in the Official Gazette, an allocation of TL 1.07 trillion has been added to the budget arrangements of the TBMM, Presidency, Court of Accounts, ministries, Gendarmerie and Coast Guard commands, General Directorate of Security, Religious Affairs, Revenue Administration, AFAD, Migration Management, European Union, Strategy and Budget presidencies, and higher education institutions in schedule (I) annexed to the Public Financial Control Law. In addition, within the scope of the law, an allocation of TL 45 billion has been added to the budget arrangements of special budget administrations including ÖSYM, TÜBİTAK, General Directorate of Highways, GAP Regional Development Presidency, State Hydraulic Works, Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Council. In this context, by law, the 2023 general budget revenue estimate was increased by a total of 1.1 trillion TL, as included in the table marked (B) attached to the 2023 central government budget law.